
@DLBLLC Twitter Feed

We make accessibility & inclusion relevant, user-friendly, and easy to incorporate into your Smart City platform.

From Darren Bates LLC

Darren Bates LLC (DLBLLC) is a boutique consulting firm and global resource for inclusive and accessible Smart Cities. DLBLLC was founded in 2013 by Darren Bates, a lifelong champion of equality, inclusion, and social justice for people with disabilities and the LGBTQ communities.

Bates is widely known for both his technical expertise and logistical talent for helping public and private organizations create and sustain intentionally inclusive workplaces where all people feel included, respected, valued, and inspired.

Beautiful view of Kuala Lumpur from Menara Kuala Lumpur Tower - TEXT OVERLAY: "SMART CITIES ARE FOR EVERYONE"

To be successful, Smart Cities must provide tangible benefits to all residents, including people with disabilities, seniors, and other historically underserved populations. DLBLLC supports people-centric urban design and the global mandate calling for municipalities to design and build Smart Cities for human diversity and social inclusion.

DLBLLC empowers Smart Cities, government, and private industry—at all stages of growth—to build accessible and inclusive digital societies that ensure no citizen is left behind.


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